Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Top Things I Love Despite my Demographic.

I admit it- I made my wife a scrap book, and enjoyed it. I also cook most of the meals in my house, although I don't do dishes. I do own a couple stuffed animals, watch random cartoons, and enjoy the occasional chic flick with my wife.

There are many things we all like to do, or in terms of media, watch and consume, that may not exactly fit our place in society. Hell, even Angel of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame loved Barry Manelow (Lorn- "Can I ask a question? Why Mandy" Angel-" I always thought it was kinda pretty" Lorn- "and so it is Big Guy!")

As I've watched TV and such over the last few weeks, I've realized there are several shows that I like, or have always liked even though it completely clashes with who I am- A country raised 29 yr old educated white guy who is actively religious and happily married.

Now, there are some things I like that are outside of my AGE demographic, but I liked them when I was the proper age, and then carried that with me. So that doesn't count. The following items are things that do not match my current demographic, or , if I have liked it since I was young, didn't match it them either.

The Golden Girls- Ok, Ok, I admit it, I love these old gals. They're stinking funny and absolutely dedicated to one another, no matter what they might say. I discovered this one when I was a kid (one of my grandma's favorites) and it stuck. I love the characters, the themes, and the stories, and I'm still at least thirty years from really understanding them.

The Cosby Show-
This one may be cheating, but I'm a white kid from the woods, not a black kid from the city, so logically I shouldn't identify with this show at all. But Cosby has it all- Family strife, sibling rivalry, funny lines and parents you really wish you had. I hope I can be a dad like Heathcliff Huxstable (not sure if hat's right).

The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
Ok, I dig SpongeBob. The cartoon came out when I was a teenager (I think) but I didn't see it till I was in my mid-twenties. I saw random episode of the show and thought it was good for kicks and giggles, but then I saw the movie, which, in my humble opinion, may be one of the greatest animated movies of all time. It does help that the movie has been sprinkled with adult jokes, and such jokes are my favorite parts of the movie (The only movie I've ever seen where the villain is defeated when the heroes reenact an 80's rock video). But, this was still a kids movie. But it's brilliant, and the hard work and amazing writing on the film is more than enough to make me ignore the age gap.

Total Drama Island-
OK, so i don't really know if this is in my demographic or not. It's on cartoon network, but it is a primetime show. But, I do HATE reality TV with nearly every fiber of my being. The drama, the bad "I'm being real" acting and the absolute disregard for human decency often drives me away. But when you take those same events and put them in a scripted and animated form, I find it hilarious and enormously entertaining. Go figure.

Well, these are a smattering of some things I love that are really rather odd, and no, I'm not ashamed. OK, not completely ashamed. I have more, but I may save them for another time. What are some demographically inappropriate favorites of yours?

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