Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Recommendations and other random thoughts

Well, after being devoid of any real blog topics, I thought I'd just spew some random thoughts and recommendations I've been saving up.

Shows & Movies

Brick- A new indy film that went to select theaters and just recently hit DVD. This movie Rocks. It's your traditional hard boiled detective film noir, but with twist- it's set in a modern day
L.A. high school (no worries- no 90210 drama here).

Lost- I am insanely addicted to this show- even though I know it will never give me the answers I want, it doesn't matter. I'm hooked.

Curious George- Hits video next week. This movie is a work of art. Not only is the animation beautiful, but the soundtrack is amazing. Trust me, you must watch this movie.

Prison Break- I can't help it. If a show is serialized in any way, I must know what happens next. This show is a lot of fun, but it represents a new trend I'm noticing in TV- a premise that might be stretched into a mini series but one that has little hope surviving as a full fledged TV show. For instance, "Kidnapped," or "the 9." It seems to me that a show based around one event, such as a kidnapping, can only last for so long before the kid needs to be rescued. If the same kid is still missing by the fifth season, one might start wondering why they haven't invested in a funeral yet. As for prison break, if they get recaptured and spend another season trying to break out, I'm gone. I have enough of the "Free Willy" scam. I mean, just how often is that damn whale going to get caught?

Special Edition DVDs

When DVD first hit, every edition had two discs. It was expected. Now-a-days however, a bare bones edition with nothing but the movie costs the same as the old bonus editions, and you have to drop another 10$ or so to get the version of the movies you really want. While this is bad, what's worse is when they release the one disc and the bonus edition, you buy the bonus edition, and 2 months later you find out that the three disc edition with 4 versions of the movie is coming out. It's infuriating. I'm tired of having to second guess myself, or even worse, having to rebuy a new version of a movie I already have. To make things worse, now that I have a decent DVD collection, they're changing to blue ray and Hi-def discs. AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG!
While Peter Jackson was the first to do it on DVD with his extended lord of the rings collections, I suspect it may all be George Lucas’s fault in the end (and yes, I did rebuy the new DVD release of star wars with both the theatrical cuts ad the special edition, even though I already have the DVD box set that came out last year- hence my bitterness).

Video Games
yes, I still play. Not often, but I do. But I'm not always up to date. For example, I just recently acquired my ps2, even though ps3 and the Nintendo wii are do out in a few weeks. Go figure.

Some games worth trying-

Lego star wars- the name itself should imply just how cool it is.

Kingdom hearts- Sweet. Best RPG ever.

World of war craft- okay, so online gaming is a thorn in my side, mostly because my computer is far too slow for me to play. But it is a great game, and I hope I can play on my own soon. Also, all my friends play, so I feel left out.

recently acquired season five, and while many great things are happening, I'm over the whole Lana/Clark thing. Most comic fans knew it would never work out anyway, but the show has taken some creative license before, so it anything was possible. But the show builds up the romance right before revealing that yep, Lana won't ever cut it. WHY DIDN"T THEY JUST GET IT OVER WITH THEN?!?!?!?!?! Anyway, can’t wait for the Lois/Clark thing. While it'll definitely be on and off again, at least we know it'll last. And while I get that they're prolonging the show as long as possible, I'm way past ready for real pieces of the legend to start falling in place.

Where to go
well, while I didn't announce it, I did finish college- I now have a bachelor’s degree in English Ed. The question, however, is- where do we go? While we're comfortable here in
Idaho, there are no jobs for me here. And I don't think working in a call center is what I went to college for. Oh well.