Friday, June 23, 2006

My Half Empty Glass

I recent months, I've realized that I'm a fairly negative person. Family and friends are probably shaking their heads right now, thinking "Really? We’ve only been telling you this since you were four!" But it's true.

I was rereading some of my blogs and I've realized that I rarely look at something in a positive light. That may be why I hate movies with downer endings... I'm already so negative it's hard to take on more. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not self cruising, nor am I beating my self up. Rather, I'm recognizing a trait that needs some adjustment.

Where and when did this start? Truth is, I don't really know. And the weird part of it is, this negativity really only applies to my own life and abilities- when it comes to others, I used to be pretty good at the whole moral support thing.

Negative thinking is never productive, unfortunately, nor does it help heighten a mood in any way. But it's still there. Perhaps it comes from dwindling hope, or perhaps it comes from a selfish reaction to a world that isn't the way I want it. I'm not sure. But once again it something I do know has to be changed. By thinking negatively of myself, I'm not really doing much credit to those who care about me.

So, I'm going to try to be more positive; starting now- so let me apologize to all the Napoleon Dynamite fans of the world; I’m sorry. You're not really as useless and idiotic as I've always thought. After all, if it weren't for you, I might have had to enjoy the movie, and that would have killed me. I'm also grateful for you because you help reassure me that when the apocalypse comes, there will be a large margin of people to burn before my name comes up.

From here on out, every day is a new day. Next time, the usefulness of bad sequels.