Thursday, August 17, 2006

Why I want to be like Silent Bob

Well, the first question is probably going to be "why not write about any of the topics you mentioned last time?" Well, because no one reads this anyway, so who cares? And in response to "Always Smiling," well, go be bored somewhere else.

I've recently started watching the Kevin Smith movies again. Not sure why, really. I went to see clerks 2 with a friend and really fell back in love with the characters. My personal favorite, however, has always been Silent Bob.

Not only is he a bigger fella (a characteristic I can relate to more and more as the years go by), but he only speaks when he needs to, which is a trait I have always admired in people. As an established motormouth, I've grown used to people ignoring me and tuning me out because they assume that what I say isn't very important. And I do have to admit, quantity certainly does seem to lessen quality.

I've always thought of the silent people as the truly wise ones, because they, more than anyone else, seem to realize the true valuelessness of words. Sure, words can be useful, when used correctly, but more times than not they merely complicate the situation by adding misunderstanding to disagreement.

I've often thought of going silent, only speaking when asked or when it's important, but I can't (and yes, I do see the humor in my discussing this topic on my blog). I wish I could be though. Because I like thought of people thinking back and remembering me for the important stuff I had to say, rather than the worthless and forgettable rabble that I spend most of my time dispensing.