Sunday, September 21, 2008

"My attempt to self regulate" OR "My daily cup of Mike (my name isn't Joe, but I'm gonna make the joke anyway... it a free country, dang it!)"

So, in an attempt to make my week a little more interesting, I've devised the following schedule for the week. While I suggested it, my wife refused to make me a sticker chart to motivate me to actually follow said schedule (what? I bet YOU would work hard if offered the right sticker....), so that means that this isn't so much what to expect as what to hope for. But, anywho-

Monday- Weekend thoughts, meditations, or lamentations on practiced boredom.

Tuesdays- Couch Potato Report. What am I watching? Why? What do I think of it? Just think, you used to be blissfully unaware of the answers to these and other questions about my sad life and my overburdened couch.

Wednesday- While this is New Comic Day (praise the Comic Gods), it is also the night before Thursday, the accursed weekly paperwork due date. That being said, I'll probably be weeping over a pile of progress notes and wondering why I ever left my job at the Comic Shop (oh, that's right, it closed.... DAMN YOU, COMIC GODS!) instead of blogging... unless I choose to escape said paperwork. So this may be "Random Blogging Day." We'll see.

Thursday- I usually feel pretty good on Thursdays, except for the nagging reminder that next week brings another late night of tear stained paperwork, paper cuts, and writing utensil phobias
(Belonephobia is the fear of sharp, pointed objects, while Graphophobia is the fear of writing). Anyway, this will probably be the day I comment on New Comic Day (praise the Comic Gods).

Friday- Used to be new movie day, but alas, summer is over and I'm afraid not too much is coming out. But I will still use this day as Movies review day, and wow do I have a lot to make up for, since we just had a great summer. So, old or new, Friday is the day I praise or slam the movies I've been watching.

And that will essentially be what to hope for. I work a LOT, so I'm sure I'll get behind. Rather than try to pick up a lost day, though, I'll just honor the topic of whatever day I decide not to be lazy.