Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Random Blogging> California, Blizzcon, and why I've ignored my daily Blogs

It's been a busy few weeks. Blizzcon, the annual Convention put on by Blizzard, the makers of World of Warcraft, was on Oct 10th and 11th, and our small family flew out to California to attend. As such, it was a busy couple weeks getting ready (my brother also visited for a few days just before we left) and my computer room was being used as a bedroom. So, Blogging was a little hard.

Truth be told, not much has been going on. Blizzcon was great, but crowded. The popular joke was that it was Disny land's latest attraction, "Blizzcon: The Line." It wasn't far off.
The up side was that I got to meet my Mother's boyfriend, who was super nice, and his kids, who were really cool (the fact that they were closet geeks really helped).

The Baby got to meet his grandparents, who immediately introduced him to coffee (I laughed, the wife panicked) , and I got reminded of why I would never live in California.

One highlight for me was getting to meet Felicia Day, one of the stars of "Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog" (if you haven't watched it, I've included it.) She was really nice and sweet, as were the cast members of the web show she was promoting, "The Guild." (Edit: Check the comments for proof of just how cool Felicia is!)

I also got to visit both Joe's Crab Shack (good, but overpriced) and Hooters (friends idea, but not nearly as bad as I feared). I got some souvenirs for my son, and we all survived the trip there and back. So it was a success.

Anyway, I will get back to blogging soon, I have several things on the back burner I'm getting ready to go, such as an Indiana Jones review and a reflection on how one's mind changes as he gets older (if I can remember to do it, anyway).

Anyway, Have fun!
PS> Dr Horrible is below, and it's great. Done as an experiment by Joss Whedon, it caught a lot of people by surprise. Enjoy!


Codex said...

So nice meeting you, sorry we couldn't spend more time with each fan, but glad I didn't have my eyes shut or my face was blow out in our pic!
Cya next con!!!

Mike Cherniske said...

Hey, it was great to meet you too! Thanks for dropping by, and please, visit again soon!

Cyphearion said...

Hey Mike wish I could have been there with ya. You know I could have made all the time in line be so much more fun. =P

Mike Cherniske said...

Well... thanks Bob! uhhhh.... who is this again?

Cyphearion said...

Sorry Mike, this is James. For some reason it used the fake name I always use to make accounts as the poster name. Not that you'd recognize this name much faster.