Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Return of the Cynic

So, I'm back. Yes, I know, after a month of peace a quiet one has to ask "can I deal with Mike's opinion on a regular basis?" well, I don't know. Sounds like a personal question that requires a whole lot of soul searching and prayer.

Anyway, what to talk about. I could give a detailed explanation of what I've been up to for the last month. I could also go on a little bit about the close mindedness of the residents of the "Mormon corridor." I could even reflect on the significance of the last few days (both my birthday and the anniversary of a life threatening surgery). So, the question is, what do YOU want to hear about?

A. Why BYU-I pisses me off
B. Mormons and the rating system
C. Those other movies this summer
D. How I learned what life is about (without learning anything new)
E. Where the hell have I been for the last month?

Please select the topic that most interests you, leave me a comment with your vote, and the winning topic will be featured in my next blog (which will be in 2-3 days). Think of it as one more way Price of Eggs in China goes out of its way to please and serve the customer.


Anonymous said...

Well, what I really want discussed is how an English major could spell "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" correctly, and then mispell "peace and quiet." But, if my only options are the list, I am most interested in A, followed by B, then by C and D, and I lose interest about there;). Good to have you back, Mike.

Anonymous said...
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Mike Cherniske said...

wow, you're cheerful.

Anonymous said...

Ah..yea..sry about that, had a bad cup of coffee that morning. Just kind sent my whole day for a swirl, but atleast I read your blog right? I mean thats like 10 points right there and minus 3 for the bleakness of my comment.

Kate Woodbury said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Mike!

(I always vote for movies, by the way.)