Tuesday, September 16, 2008

One last thought before bed

Anyone else wonder how Charles Shultz Would feel about his characters being used to sell insurance? Doesn't seem to compute for me..... Huh, so much for a legacy.

My Blog Free Year, the evils of World of Warcraft, and why having a kid should be saved for masochists.

Awwwww... Isn't he cute? What you see before you my friends, is NOT the reason why I stopped writing this Blog. The real reason? I'm Lazy and I developed a World of Warcraft addiction sometime last year that didn't let up until recently. But he is cute, eh? So let's blame him.

Last year, right about the time I stopped writing, well, just before, as I'm sure it helped the whole "oh yeah, I did have a blog once" thing, Life took a turn for the complicated. One of my best friends went to jail, I was miserable in my job, my brother was in a near fatal car accident, my grandparents were in a near fatal car accident, and my Dad got married (perhaps the least traumatic, but still, weird). I thus invested all of my time into world of warcraft, playing five or six hours a night, which stopped, oddly, just before the cuddly superhero you see above was born.

A lot has happened, but the last thing I want to chronicle is the last year or so of my life. To be brief, though, friends were made and lost, new jobs were attained, three WOW characters hit level 70 (the highest) I moved, had a kid, and moved on to a career that I really enjoy. And that's that.

If anything, I want to reestablish a couple things. I love Media. Television, Movies, Books, Comics, you name it, I read, watch, endure, and Enjoy, and then complain mercilessly or make fun of it. Unless I like it. Then I buy it, put it on an alter, and worship it, again, till i watch something else.

The purpose of this blog was always to share my love for entertainment and to share what I've found to be an interesting, off beat, and somewhat original view of the world. While there aren't alot of readers, hell, I think I had Eight readers when I wrote religiously, and I'm sure they've all given up hope by now, I'm going to try to write more regularly. I mean, it's either be constructive or spend time seeing just how badly I can emotionally scar my son. Look at that cute face. Which do you think he's pulling for?