Friday, June 02, 2006

10 Worst Sequels

Shortly after coming up with the 10 best sequels ever, I had to go on and determine the 10 worst.

10. Jurassic park 2: the lost world- taking nothing more than the title of the book, this monstrosity pulled in mad money- until everyone realized just what crap it really was.

9. Superman III- I know, I know; Superman II is one of the best while its follow-up is one of the worst. No wonder
Bryan singer is doing something that may have never been done before- Writing a replacement sequel.

8. Matrix Reloaded & Revolutions- The first movie rocked... the highly anticipated follow ups? Not so much. While the fight scenes were cool, all they did was establish a pattern of Fight, talk, fight, talk. While the story was still interesting, it kept getting stopped by inexplicably useless sex scenes and random rant in some foreign scientific language. The biggest fault, however, may be the final conclusion- that shamelessly leads into the online game. Oh well.

7. Start trek V- While by far the most original movie in the series, you just can't stop waiting for Kirk to steal the spotlight back from William Shatner.

6. Star trek Generations- Lame Lame lame lame lame. The follow up books are cool, but that doesn't stop the movie from being Lame lame lame.

5. Alien vs. Predator- I remember waiting for this movie ever since I was a kid. There were video games (most rocked) and comics (also fun) even talk of an animated show. While the fans wanted it, it never happened. Until it did. Unfortunately after seeing the movie most fans have returned to their longing, essentially pretending that the first movie never happened.

4. Highlander 2- Words cannot even begin to describe the idiocy of this sequel. Apparently there can be only one... until the studio needs to cash in on the franchise again. Oh well. I just don't understand how a studio can continue to make a series of movie that essentially does nothing more than retell the first movie in a different manner (although with the same ending...). Highlander 4, however, was a decent movie in comparison, but it should be seen as the movie version of Highlander: The Series.

3. Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones- the title really says it all, doesn't it? Poor acting, poor story telling, and so laden with special effects it's hard to find the actors. Fortunately two great things came from it> The clone wars cartoons and Yoda's saber fight.

2. Elektra- while more of a spin off, this movie may be one of the biggest disappointments to ever hit the screen (although some of that may have to do with daredevil's obvious absence and the mind boggling introduction of the new obsessive compulsive Elektra.

1. Batman and Robin- Oy. I'm still trying to clean my mind of this disaster. Tip to future film execs- Fuzzy slippers do make the villain scary, just not in any way that helps the movie.

Sequel Season

Every year I fall victim to the summer onslaught of blockbusters. I just can't help it. And like most summers, many of the Top (high grossing) movies this summer are or will be sequels. I've already got caught up in it- Already MI:3 and X-men 3 have lured me to the theater, even though I had low expectations for both (MI:3 proved itself worthy, though, while X-Men 3 may be one of the biggest let downs ever). The ride has not stopped, however, with Pirates: Dead Man's Chest and Superman Returns (Sequel, not reboot) coming out soon, and several more big sequels in the works.

After seeing X-Men 3 I realized that with a few rare exceptions, most sequels are unworthy of the first movie. Listed below are some of those exceptions (Please know that these are only a smattering of the best- feel free to let me know if there is one I forgot or did not include).

10. Rescuers Down Under- the first Disney animated sequel ever (and one of the few to make it to theaters), with awesome voice talent, a great story and ground breaking animation, this Rescuers put the first movie to shame.

9. Shrek 2- perhaps the best animated sequel ever, this movie brought all the fun of the first movie along with enough pop references to keep anyone amused.

8. Kill Bill Vol. 2- while not a sequel per se, Kill Bill 2 is where most of the heart and character development is found.

7. Back to The future III- This movie broke the mould and in the process created a solid trilogy out of what was before only a couple of fun movies.

6. X2: X-men United- this could be here just out of pure bias, but X2 really stepped up and pushed the story to a whole new level.

5. Terminator 2- Straight up, this movie PROVED that sequels could rock hard if not harder than the original movie, not to mention having a nick name (T2) that inspired countless imitators.

4. Aliens- While the first movie was scary; this movie is so good many consider it the only movie of the series to get the idea right. I agree.

3. Superman II- A flawless sequel, this movie completes the first movie and helps you know not only that a man could fly, but WHY.

2. Star Trek II: the Wrath of Khan- this movie is amazing... brilliant story, great acting, and a villain pulled straight out of Star Trek lore. Not too much more to say, other than "KHHHAAAAANNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

1. Star Wars: The Empires Strikes Back- This movie is the best for two reasons- George didn't direct, and Yoda is the man.