Friday, March 09, 2007

Marvel's Daring New Plan: MAKE NOTHING BUT CRAP!

That's right folks. You've heard correctly. Captain America, the sentinel of liberty, the only character of Marvel Comics who can truly be called iconic, is dead.

Branching out of the civil war mini-series (mind you, this is the same brain-child that spawned the new "No-secret identity" spider-man), Cap is assassinated after surrendering at the end of civil war.

As Cap's mask was seen being picked up by The Punisher, marvel will probably replace the former symbol of patriotism and honor with the serial killer.

While this is sure to boost sales, let me point out that this is once again rehashing a story already done, when the Punisher became Captain America in an issue of "What If?"

While I'm sure Marvel may just bring Cap back someday, I'm truly disgusted by the continual practice of marvel saying "hey, no one will expect us doing this" and then basing a story off shock value. And besides, we all know how that strategy went over for Bin Laden.